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ColumnTest allows remote and continuously measurement the concentration profile and height of the sediment deposit, height of clean water and discharge concentration in a industrial thickener. It also allows to determine the sediment compressibility and the solid content inside of the thickener. 


The swift availability of the information on these variables allows to increase water recovery and flocculant saving while obtaining minors opportunity costs because of the high precision and low response time when disturbances in the operation occurs. 


The instrument measures the differential pressure between two fixed points of a periodically submerged probe. 

Esquema de operación del Columntest

Determinación y Control de la Dilución Optima del Feedwell.

Concentración de sedimento en el tiempo.

Perfil de Concentración Volumétrica en Espesador.

Inventario de sólidos en el espesador

Medición agua-suspensión y suspensión sedimento

Inventario cada 30 minutos

Sonda midiendo en la pulpa

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